(For the purpose of Insurance Cash means Current Coins, Bank and Currency Notes, Cheques and Postage Stamps)


    FROM | TO | DISTANCE | MODE OF TRANSPORT (own vehicle/engaged vehicle/by foot/by abra/others) | TIME

    Only PDF, Excel and Word files accepted.


    Note: A complete record of all Cash in Safe & Other Than in Safe must be maintained.
    All Employees must be on Insured’s Visa.

    I/We desire to effect an Insurance with THE ORIENTAL INSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED, as set forth above. I/We warrant that the above statements are true and complete and that nothing materially affecting the risk has been concealed by me/us. I/We undertake to keep the records necessary for the due adjustment of the premium and to render at the end of each period of the insurance a statement in the form required by the Company of the total amount of Cash in transit which is the subject of this proposal and I/We agree that this Proposal and Declaration shall be held to be promissory and shall form the basis of the contract between me/us THE ORIENTAL INSURANCE COMPANY LTD.